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Bobby Kennedy
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BOBBY KENNEDY Contemporary Abstract, Modernist Artist. The following is a brief excerpt from artist: When I paint I am trying to create a harmonious whole that is sustained by its rhythm and feeling, expressed through color, composition and design. Anything in it – an object, a color, that disrupts its harmony and wholeness, its aspirations to provide a fleeting yet indelible glance at beauty, must be painted over, altered, transmuted until every ‘note’ assumes a crucial role in its relationship to the rest of the painting. It is not an objective or subjective reality that I strive to represent, but rather a view to a ‘reality’ that arises from within – a simple beauty that we, generally, are not conscious of in our daily, hurried, machine-driven lives, that nonetheless, conscious of it or not, exists deep within us, perhaps alighted in the dark like a burnished flame.